Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I knew you would be there

Sky was dark,

Without a ray.

Earth so big

like a directionless walkway.

Quivering with fear

I stepped ahead.

The road was bare,

I felt so unaided

to step back.

I stood still

In the middle of puzzle.

Wrapped in my own arms,

eyes wide open,

I looked nowhere.

Air became moist

As i blinked,

a droplet came down,

kissing my cheeks.

Suddenly the little drop stopped.

It was a pearl

Quiescent on a soft hand.

As i looked up,

I saw a smile.

"i knew you would be there...always".

Again sheathed in arms,

with a hug this time.

We walked the road,

to a new creation.

To a new Bearing...

Thursday, August 6, 2009


It's smelling so fresh

It's sounding so pleasant

It's looking so beautiful

I know what it is!

It raining...

The droplets are so pure

Big and small

Falling to love

To kiss the nature

I know why it is!

It's raining...

Flowers seems like smiling

Birds seems like flirting

sky seems like relaxing

I know how it is!

It's raining...

Clouds so heavy

Laughter every where

No sign of sun

But sky shining very bright

You guessed it right...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Merry Subdued Happiness!

When we look at people around us who have had relatively smooth and trouble-free lives, we find only few of them stay in joviality. We look at those who have really rough and challenging lives; yet again, only a bunch of them are in good spirits. This seems to suggest the relevance of an age-old...

Hello, I am happiness. I always come to you. But, the onus is always on you accept me. Let’s penetrate deeper.

You may ask me what exactly Happiness is. Well, I am nothing but a good health plus a bad memory. You will be happy if you are healthy. Now, does that mean those who are not well are Unhappy? Well, not exactly. If you are able to put aside this I-Am-Not-In- Healthy-Condition thing or something like that, you will always be smiling.

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. I belong to the self-reliant. There are numerous moments in your life to be happy. My friends often comment one of my followers, "She becomes jolly at so small things we would not even think of...” She is so happy on New Year eve. Even when she was away from my family, she brought a New Year cake and 2 red heart shaped balloons for my room. She cut the cake and enjoyed with all her roommates. Everyone was suddenly smiling at the very sight of celebration. No doubt, I was there, present all the time; but I was bought forward. Like ways, every time, there are moments waiting to be cheered, even without any reason. Action may not always bring happiness to you, but there is no happiness without action.

Well said, “That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest.” By cheapest, he is not counting its monetary value. It is the intensity which matters. All I have to say is that there may not be a grand celebration to be cherished. But there is always a little smile lying on your face. There may not be a reason to flaunt it, it may not be Christmas, and it may not be perfect... But happiness is there: big or small. Cherish it.

I am always there walking side by side with you. I am there when a child laugh out loud on stupid sound of tearing paper. I am there when a mother sees her kid copying her. I am there when you find your favorite scoop of ice-cream in the fridge. I lie in your eyes, waiting to be tickled. I am there, with you, always.

Not to admire, is all the art I know,

To make men happy, and to keep them so!

Stay Happy.